Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Poetry slam / Concurs live de poezie

I'm back again with more information. So, we are going to take 5 students to Finland, for our 2nd project meeting. 3 of our students are going to perform the reading of 2 poems. The first poem is written in our national language, in Romanian and it is going to be read out loud by a very good student, Cristina Bivol, by her name. The title of the poem is .

Here's the poem:

To my exotic friend, by Cristina Bivol

Dear little Eye Tooth, my very special friend,
You left your crimson cape at my place the other day,
Your eye teeth are still by the bathroom mirror
And you forgot your bottle of vital serum in my fridge, by the way.
My cat miraculously escaped death
Even though its life hanged upon a thread.
By the way… when you eloped with the star of your dreams…
Did she accept you for who you are?
You, sheer perfection,
How could you leave behind so much disappointment?
The sky has been weeping since you left
Which proves that… well… you are willing to give up your habits?
I understand that love is blind…
But who would have expected you to fall in love?!
Nevertheless, can you really give up your vital elements, oh, you… loverboy?
And the waters have been murmuring, moaning; oh… it’s a general heartache around here.
And I’m sitting here, thinking about the moment when I would be able to make you feel complete.
You know… you are my mentor…
By the way… my eye teeth are all grown up.
They’re long, sharp, glossy and very uncomfortable.
Whenever something or someone moves
I shiver and shake, I stare
At the enticing sight of my cat.
I don’t know why but I find that cat extremely tasty nowadays.
I apologize, my dear friend, but
I couldn’t resist the temptation
Of using your cape.
But hey, apologies should be made in person.
I haven’t seen much of you on the Internet lately…
Or … have you lost yourself in the Earth-Sea-Sky triad?
What’s the weather like over there? Is it cool on the beach?
What about love?
And the energizing serum… when is it due to expire?

I’m looking forward to getting an answer from you!
Hugs and kisses; yours truly,


Notă: Elevii au fost îndrumaţi de prof. Stoleriu A.

Also, here is the Romanian version:

Prietenului meu exotic,
de Cristina Bivol

Dragă Colţ, amicul meu deosebit,
Ţi-ai lăsat la mine mantia cea neagră,
Colţii la oglindă încă sunt,
Iar sticla cu serul vital in frigider a fost uitată.
Motanul meu a scăpat cu viaţă,
Deşi viaţa lui a atârnat de un fir de aţă.
Ceea ce dovedeşte că renunţi la obiceiurile tale ?
Inţeleg că dragostea e oarbă…
Dar cine se aştepta la tine?
Totuşi, poţi renunţa la elementele tale vitale, « iubăreţule » ?
Apropo…când ai plecat cu steaua visurilor tale,
Ea te-a acceptat aşa cum eşti ?
Tu, perfecţiunea întruchipată,
Ai putut lăsa în urmă atâtea deziluzii ?
Cerul plânge de la plecarea ta,
Iar apa susură gemând de dorul tău,
Iar eu stau şi mă gândesc la momentul în care te voi putea completa.
Eşti mentorul meu…
Apropo…chiar mi-au crescut caninii !
Lungi, sticloşi, şi foarte incomozi.
La orice mişcare tresar şi privesc în gol,
Iar privirea se pierde,
Uneori chiar la conturul tentant al motanului meu.
Nu ştiu de ce, dar mi se pare o perfecţiune întruchipată a gustului.
Îmi cer scuze dar nu am rezistat tentaţiei de a nu-ţi folosi mantia,
Dar scuzele ar trebui spuse personal.
Nu te-am observat de mult pe internet…
Sau te-ai pierdut în legătura soare, apă şi pământ ?
Cum e vremea acolo ? E bine la plajă ?
Dar cu dragostea ?
Iar serul energizant până când rezistă ?
Aştept răspuns de la tine !
Te-aştept, te pup şi te ador,
Din inimă, al tău Colţişor !

I am going to post the 2nd poem in a short while. I am talking about the Romanian poem which has been written by our brilliant student, Sergiu Adi Loghin and it is going to be performed live in Kuopio, Finland by Sergiu himself and by Loredana Cristinaru. This poem is actually a romantic dialogue between the two and it is written in the key of Mihai Eminescu's poetic style.

Yours truly,

Stoleriu A - Colegiul Agricol Falticeni

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